On January 31 and February 1, 2020, the Ahupua`a Investment Project hosted a two-day Summit on Maui, where investors, ESG/impact investment leaders, and community members who have engaged with the ESG Investment Project during the preceding six months worked together to begin to develop the key components of a blueprint for next generation ESG Impact investing in Maui County and Hawaii.
Investors and prospective investors participating in the project and attending the Summit included pension plans, foundations, academics, labor leaders, private equity and venture capital managers, and real asset managers. At least fifty percent of attendees were from Maui or other parts of Hawaii. Community stakeholders included Hawaii pension beneficiaries, local community leaders and advocates, Aha Moku Council representatives, union leaders, business owners, educators, student leaders, lawmakers, local foundations, local institutional asset owners, local impact investment leaders, and entrepreneurs.
Introduction by Ahupua`a Summit Organizer Shay Chan Hodges, Welcome and Oli by UH Maui College Chancellor Lui Hokoana
Moderator: Keani Rawlins-Fernandez, Maui County Council
Panelists Dennis “Bumpy” Kanahele, Nation of Hawaii and Neil Hannahs, Hoʻokele Strategies LLC
Kehaulani Filimoe`atu, Hawaiian Community Assets, Michael Perri, Lincoln Crow Strategies
Moderator: Neil Hannahs, Hoʻokele Strategies LLC
Panelists: Lance Collins, Attorney, Brandon Maka’awa’awa, Nation of Hawaii, Kili Namau’u, Pūnana Leo O Maui, Mary Spadaro, Slow Money
Moderator: Imogen Rose-Smith, Ahupua`a Investment Summit
Panelists: Michael Frerichs, Illinois State Treasurer, Phil Glynn, Travois, Keoni Lee, Hawaii Investment Ready, Eva Zlotnicka, ValueAct Capital
Moderator, Ian Chan Hodges, Ahupua`a Investment Summit
Panelists: Christina Borsum, New Energy Nexus, Mahina Martin, Hawaiian Electric, Zoltan Milaskey, Mana Energy, Katrina Niehaus, Goldman Sachs, Ben Prochazka, Electrification Coalition
Moderator: Michael Perri, Lincoln Crow Strategies
Panelists: Michael Kramer, Natural Investments, David Okamoto, Hawaii Employees Retirement System (ERS), Inez Okamura, Retired Teacher and CalPERS beneficiary, Tamara Paltin, Maui County Council Member, Kaleo Waia`u, Teacher, Hawaii Department of Education
Moderator: Shane Sinenci, Maui County Council Member
Panelists: Mark Campanale, Carbon Tracker, Morgan LaManna, Ceres, Ian Monroe, Etho Capital, Damon Silvers, AFL-CIO
Clips: UNITE HERE Local 5 Financial Secretary-Treasurer Eric Gill, AFL-CIO Director of Policy Damon Silvers, Spring Lane Capital Co-Founder Rob Day, Predistribution Initiative Executive Director Delilah Rothenberg
Clips: Resilient and Sustainable Engineering (RiSE) team member Mike Foley, Oceanit, Vice President Kelly King, Pacific Biodiesel, Chairperson Marcus Oshiro, Hawaii Labor Relations Board
Moderator: David Wood, Initiative for Responsible Investment
Panelists: Lindy Backues, Eastern University, Joyclynn Costa, United Church of Christ, Tasha Kama, Maui County Council Member
Clips: Hāna Highway Regulation Director Nāpua Hū’eu and Elemental Excelerator Chief of Staff Melissa Uhl, Nation of Hawaii Deputy Head of State Brandon Maka`awa`awa, Hawaii Investment Ready CEO Keoni Lee, Nāpua Hū’eu on Due Diligence, Grand Wailea Director of Culture Kainoa Horcajo,
UH Maui College Sustainability Fellow Kelsey Ota