Ahupua`a Investment Project Goals:

  • Develop a blueprint for Maui to become a financial and educational leader for the global advancement of effective impact investing with environmental, social and governance (ESG) integration.
  • Create a framework for guiding significant capital investment into Maui and Hawaii in a manner that creates measurably positive and sustainable impacts as identified by the community.
Mahalo to Forest & Kim Starr for photos of kalo and Keanae (including this one).

2019 Community Education

From September to November 2019, the Maui ESG Project hosted Sustainable Investment conversations with community members at the University of Hawaii Maui College

September 12, 2019ESG and the Hawaii Retirement System (ERS), 11:30am to 1pm at UHMC, Laulima 225. Featured speaker was Michael Kramer, Managing Partner of Natural Investments.

September 26, 2019: ESG and Investment in Electrification of Maui Transportation, 11:30am to 1pm at UHMC, Laulima 225. Featured speaker is Greggory Kresge, who is responsible for electrification of transportation on Maui at MECO and has a PhD in Sustainability and Green Building.

October 10, 2019: Climate Crisis Impact on the Pacific and Investment in the Sustainable Economy, 11:30am to 1pm at UHMC, Laulima 225. Featured speaker is Ian Monroe, a professor at Stanford in the Earth Systems Program, founder of Oroecoan app that helps individuals reverse climate change by measuring and gamifying their carbon footprint, and co-founder of Etho Capital.

October 24, 2019:  Creating an Ahupua`a Beneficial Audit for ESG Investments, 11:30am to 1pm at UHMC, Laulima 214 (note room change for this class only). Featured speaker is Anders Widgren, an entrepreneur and inventor at Swedish AI and innovation company Aifloo, 

November 7, 2019, Place-Based Social Enterprise, Innovation, and Venture Capital, 11:30am to 1pm at UHMC, Laulima 225. Featured speaker is Alec Wagner, Lahainaluna Grad and Director of Purple Prize, Purple Mai`a Foundation.

November  21, 2019, What would a Sovereign Wealth Fund mean for Hawaii in terms of creating a large pool of capital to be managed by investment professionals and supervised by a board of fiduciaries?11:30am to 1pm at UHMC, Laulima 225. Featured speaker is Steve Marks, one of the founding partners and co-managers of WHATiF 88, LLC, a group of Wharton MBA classmates advising on social impact initiatives in urban and rural communities in the United States and in emerging market economies. WHATiF engages with the various stakeholders in the public, private and non-profit sector and advises on significant economic development projects. WHATiF has expertise in fiduciary, capital structure, risk management, and measurement of the social impact. 

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