Virtual Panel Discussions

Ahupua`a Summit 2.0

In 2020 and 2021, the Maui ESG Project has been bringing together ESG investment experts with community leaders virtually. Pictured are panelists for a “Financing a Just Transition to a Regenerative Hawaii Economy” Panel presented in May, 2020. Panelists considered how Hawaii could work through the Covid crisis and build an equitable economy that provides good jobs for residents while meeting community standards and values.

Recordings and presentations of public discussions over the last year are linked below.

Panel Discussion Videos

An Exploration of the Connections Between Private Equity and Pension Fund Investment in Hawaii

November 18, 2020: Hosted by Rep. Tina Wildberger, panelists Ian Chan Hodges, Imogen Rose-Smith, Delilah Rothenberg, and Jason Ward discussed how pension funds make investment decisions, the connection between unions, workers, beneficiaries, and private equity, how private equity can be restructured so that workers and communities share in more of the gains, and what all this has to do with Maui and Hawaii, particularly in the current economic crisis.

Strategic Assessment, Roadmap & Recommendations for East Maui Water-Land Ecosystem and Watershed

August 11, 2020 Presentation to Maui County Environment, Agriculture, and Cultural Preservation (EACP) Committee

Financing a Just Transition to a Regenerative Hawaii Economy

COVID-19 and resulting policies, including a lockdown on travel, shine a spotlight on the underlying weaknesses of Hawaii’s economy. Our over-dependence on tourism, lack of food security, and the need for both energy independence and an inclusive digital infrastructure are among the most pressing factors facing our community. Panelists considered how Maui and Hawaii can work through the current COVID and economic crisis and build an equitable economy that provides good jobs for our residents while meeting community standards and values.

An Exploration of the Connections Between Private Equity and Pension Fund Investment in Hawaii Presentations (November 18, 2020):

Maui ESG Project Presentations:  Imogen Rose-Smith and Ian Chan Hodges, Co-Organizers

Predistribution Initiative Presentations:  Delilah Rothenberg, Executive Director

Presentation to Maui County EACP Committee:  Excerpts from the Strategic Assessment, Roadmap, and Recommendations for East Maui Water-Land Ecosystem and Watershed (August 11, 2020):

Financing a Just Transition Presentations (May, 2020):

Initiative for Responsible Investment at Harvard University Presentation:  David Wood, Director

Quantified Ventures Presentation:  Mark Lambert, Director of Agriculture


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